On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 6:41 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just because the binaries are copyright doesn't mean they can't be
> redistributed, otherwise no one would ever be able to distribute any
> software at all -- all software is copyrighted :)  Since the licence
> (not the copyright) determines redistribution rights, and all the
> binaries in RHEL are FOSS licensed, it is perfectly legal to
> redistribute them.

I was going through the EULA of RHEL and found some interesting facts. Here
is one of them. (A lot of you might have already gone through this. If so,
will truly appreciate your inputs.)
".....This EULA does not permit User to distribute the Programs or their
components using Red Hat's trademarks, regardless of whether the copy has
been modified....."

*Courtesy: Redhat <http://www.redhat.com/licenses/rhel_rha_eula.html>

Now if we give somebody a copy of the RHEL (CD Set, the same way as its
bought) , I don't know about others, but I clearly think it's a violation of
this agreement which he or she has already agreed.

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
~Walter Bagehot
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