At 5:58 AM -0700 9/4/2009, Jasiu wrote:
>Ok here's the story, I have a G3 Slot Loading Imac that I am trying to
>get running for the local church.  I don't know what processor speed
>or how much memory is in it.  When they got it, it started up in some
>version of OSX and then asked for a password.  Since no one knew what
>the password was we couldn't go any further.
>I replaced the hard drive and put on OS 10.3.  I used another computer
>to do this, took the new drive and placed it back in the Imac.
>Started up and got the re-assuring "Bong".  It takes a while for the
>Apple logo to come on and then a spinning circle comes on.  All good
>so far but thats where it stops at.  The little circle just keeps
>spinning and nothing else.

Zap the PRAM then boot into Safe Mode (hold down the shift key) to 
force a kernel cache rebuild.  Given your Mac's speed, the rebuild 
will take a while - so be patient.

>I am assuming there is enough memory since it originally
>started in some type of OS X.

Yea, probably.  Once you're up, use System Profiler to get the exact 
model.  And full specs are available here:

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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