On 23-Jun-07, at 6:52 PM, Gary Gendel wrote:

John Sonnenschein wrote:
On 6/23/07, Gary Gendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bottom line is that you can't please everybody if you say things as
stupidly as "You must supply WM X because that's the best". That is
never the case for all uses in the real world.

Take a poll. A real poll, on OS.o.

If that poll says everyone wants GNOME to be indiana's default, I'll
gladly shut up about it.

I never advocated that one and only one WM be supplied.  I advocated
just the opposite. No poll is needed. Time will tell which WM survives. Ubuntu installations outnumber Kbuntu installations by a wide majority.

How much of that is because Ubuntu picked GNOME as the default on the name-branded Ubuntu? ( when you download "Ubuntu" it comes with GNOME, it doesn't need a special qualifier like GUbuntu or some such )

when Knoppix was the popular linux distro, how many people used Gnoppix? not many...

the debate isn't whether to make it impossible to run the alternate D.E., it's what we ought to ship by default on "The Reference Distro", not one of it's offshoots

Would you want that Kbuntu be dropped because the majority of users
picked it? What your poll would ultimately do is reduce choice and make
all future decisions based upon a religious and political camps.
An executive order from Sun Microsystems that affects a supposedly
community distro isn't going to cut it in my books. So, are we a
community distro, or a Sun product, because if we're just yet another
product from Sun Micro, I think we ought to know that straight from
the get-go so we don't get our hopes up
Could you please point out any executive order? I must have missed this
in the flurry of emails on this subject. All I saw was bickering about
which should be THE Indiana WM. This is a separate issue than the other thread that was bickering of whether it was a Sun project or a community

it was part of the packaging thread, where it was just assumed without asking that we'd use GNOME and that was the end of the story...

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