1. Reset the password. I do.

2. No, I don't need them.

3.  More for the sake of the staff than the students, the passwords do not 

From: info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us [mailto:info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us] On 
Behalf Of Koenck, Chris
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:13 AM
To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
Subject: [info-tech] Quick Survey - Student Accounts

I would sure appreciate any responses to the following questions regarding 
student passwords when you get a chance

1.       What is your procedure when a student forgets their logon password? 
Who handles this request?

2.       Do you maintain a list of student passwords, and if so, who do you 
share that list with?

3.       How often do you change student passwords?

I am just curious what other districts are doing regarding this problem. It's 
not a big deal at this point in the game, but it seems to be an issue during 
the first few weeks of school and of course that is when we are bombarded by a 
million other things...

Chris Koenck
Director of Technology
Okoboji Community Schools
Milford, IA 51351


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