Hey all

On 12.04.23 22:44, Larry Garfield wrote:
On Wed, Apr 12, 2023, at 6:42 PM, Rowan Tommins wrote:

Which brings me back to my earlier point: I wonder how much of the
reaction is really about e-mail itself, and how much is just the
documentation and sign-up forms you encounter *before* you hit the list.
Because if it's the latter, migrating the entire community to a new
platform won't help - we'll still suck at introducing anyone to that
platform - and most of what we need is someone who's good with words to
update some website copy.

I agree, and it's a common pattern, both here and in the earlier thread about 

Problems exist.  Both with the mailing list setup we have, and the 
evolution/deprecation process.  It's not reasonable to deny either.

But so often, people lead with "and here's why we should rm -rf and start over" or "and here's 
why you're all terrible" or other extremely not-helpful "suggestions."  That poisons the well, 
and totally saps any energy for working on the things that can and should be improved incrementally.

It makes me very sad, because if someone were actually to volunteer to overhaul 
the mailing list signup process and verify that it actually, you know, works 
reliably, there's a good chance they'd be greeted with open arms.  (And a fair 
amount of access skepticism I'm sure, but still, it's no secret that we'd 
benefit from that.)  But that's not what happens.

I would like to take this as a first step:

As I already do have access to the lists-server I'm happy to work on improving the lists usability.

So far I see three different things:

1. Remove modification of the emails on the lists server so that DKIM and DMARC will finally work
2. Improve/Update the interfaces of https://www.php.net/mailing-lists.php
3. Update (or possibly completely remove?) https://www.php.net/unsub.php

The latest is linke in the added footer that would be removed by step 1 and that should be unnecessary anyhow as the list-unsubscribe header already should provide the email-clients with a way to show an unsubscribe button right in the email.

Any volunteers helping are welcome!

And please do voice concerns regarding point 1!!!!



                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
| mailto:andr...@heigl.org                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
| https://andreas.heigl.org                                           |
| https://hei.gl/appointmentwithandreas                               |
| GPG-Key: https://hei.gl/keyandreasheiglorg                          |

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