> On 13 Apr 2023, at 09:29, Andreas Heigl <andr...@heigl.org> wrote:
> Hey all
> On 12.04.23 22:44, Larry Garfield wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 12, 2023, at 6:42 PM, Rowan Tommins wrote:
>>> Which brings me back to my earlier point: I wonder how much of the
>>> reaction is really about e-mail itself, and how much is just the
>>> documentation and sign-up forms you encounter *before* you hit the list.
>>> Because if it's the latter, migrating the entire community to a new
>>> platform won't help - we'll still suck at introducing anyone to that
>>> platform - and most of what we need is someone who's good with words to
>>> update some website copy.
>> I agree, and it's a common pattern, both here and in the earlier thread 
>> about deprecations/evolution.
>> Problems exist.  Both with the mailing list setup we have, and the 
>> evolution/deprecation process.  It's not reasonable to deny either.
>> But so often, people lead with "and here's why we should rm -rf and start 
>> over" or "and here's why you're all terrible" or other extremely not-helpful 
>> "suggestions."  That poisons the well, and totally saps any energy for 
>> working on the things that can and should be improved incrementally.
>> It makes me very sad, because if someone were actually to volunteer to 
>> overhaul the mailing list signup process and verify that it actually, you 
>> know, works reliably, there's a good chance they'd be greeted with open 
>> arms.  (And a fair amount of access skepticism I'm sure, but still, it's no 
>> secret that we'd benefit from that.)  But that's not what happens.
> I would like to take this as a first step:
> As I already do have access to the lists-server I'm happy to work on 
> improving the lists usability.
> So far I see three different things:
> 1. Remove modification of the emails on the lists server so that DKIM and 
> DMARC will finally work
> 2. Improve/Update the interfaces of https://www.php.net/mailing-lists.php
> 3. Update (or possibly completely remove?) https://www.php.net/unsub.php
> The latest is linke in the added footer that would be removed by step 1 and 
> that should be unnecessary anyhow as the list-unsubscribe header already 
> should provide the email-clients with a way to show an unsubscribe button 
> right in the email.
> Any volunteers helping are welcome!
> And please do voice concerns regarding point 1!!!!
> Cheers
> Andreas
> -- 
>                                                              ,,,
>                                                             (o o)
> +---------------------------------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo-+
> | Andreas Heigl                                                       |
> | mailto:andr...@heigl.org                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
> | https://andreas.heigl.org                                           |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | https://hei.gl/appointmentwithandreas                               |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | GPG-Key: https://hei.gl/keyandreasheiglorg                          |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

Hi Andreas,

As someone who rejoined this list in the last 12 months and went through the 
process I'm happy to volunteer to help.

Best wishes,

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