Hi Chris,

On Feb 14, 2008 2:48 AM, Christopher Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pierre Joye wrote:
>  > The targets were these/this companies(y) pushing CLA in php.net when
>  > it is not necessary to contribute. It has been proven already since
>  > months on a nearly daily basis.
>  >
>  > For example:
>  > http://blogs.oracle.com/opal/discuss/msgReader$268
> My understanding is that because of its collaborative nature,
> contributing to PDO V2 has new and very different implications.

You mean its collaborative and restrictive nature?

> Arguments using past contributions to show the ad-hoc development
> model is feasible are (unfortunately) not tenable

Again, please see my other posts. Since my last post, nothing has been
brought to the list to clarify the situation. Important questions like
who is asking a CLA, who will contribute and what will be brought on
board? Why did they not take contact with us? All these questions are
without answer and until they got one, I will not change my mind for a
yota (and I doubt any oposant will).

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