On 14.02.2008, at 04:04, Steph Fox wrote:

Tell us the names of these entities, companies or persons, who are
going to contribute and what are actually their requirements. What
will they bring (saying "expertise" is not something I can buy)? I
don't understand what is so hard to understand that it is a minimum to
get before we can even discuss the CLA introduction. Let alone the
fact that they don't consider us as good enough as discussions

Pierre does have a point here. We don't know who we're dealing with, what they can/could offer, or what they want or need in order to offer it.. and nobody's really tried to communicate with php.net apart from those already in the php.net inner circle.

Right, we know Wez, we know Andi, we know you. We know more and more of the guys working on tests, we know know at least the emails of some of the guys working on the currently CLA'ed IBM PDO drivers. I have seen some Microsoft guys at some conferences. But I have never talked to one in the context of PDO development. We also do not know who will be coming from inside Oracle to work with us if we go the CLA way. We do not know who will come from inside IBM to work with us etc. OSS is a collaborative process that is not about some manager allocating some ressources here and there. People usually make personal commitments here and maybe this is the bigger culture clash than the CLA. What is being proposed is to turn part of PHP into something that is managed by a manager and the budget he gets allocated by a manager above him.

People do not commit access for saying what company they work for. People get commit access once they have send enough patches that are top notch, that php.net decides they can trust them. This is the model of trust we have gone by. So if we are going to change this to start trusting a managerial process, the least we can ask is to have some interaction with the people that will most likely be involved there, even if there is a good chance that things might be shuffled around by the time we get to see code.


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