Hello David,

Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 9:27:16 PM, you wrote:

> Greetings, PDO community!  My name is David Sceppa and I am a program
> manager working at Microsoft on improving SQL Server for PHP data hosting.

> Let me first just say that Microsoft is very interested in participating
> in the PDO 2 effort and I plan to actively engage in the discussions of
> the spec and the core via the mailing list.  As a relative newcomer to
> this space, Microsoft is highly incented to see a single solution that
> serves the needs of this community.  This is both from the standpoint of
> technical investment (i.e. we would like to focus our resources on
> delivering one rock solid answer rather than many across the space), and
> for customer clarity as having too many choices often winds up being
> confusing.  We believe that PDO 2 is that solution going forward in the
> PHP space, and we are therefore committed to seeing it through to fruition.

> The approach that's been described in proposals (vendor-built drivers can
> be covered via CLAs while the core components remain CLA-free) is
> something I believe to be in the best interests of both driver writers and
> the developers who use PDO.  We would prefer to have the spec and the core
> covered by CLA, so that we can make more direct contributions, yet we
> understand that the community wishes to keep the spec and the core CLA-free.

> Microsoft has a great deal of experience and lessons learned (both
> positive and negative) through the evolution of ODBC and other data access
> technologies that give us a unique perspective and we look forward to
> contributing to the PDO 2 effort.  I look forward to diving into more
> technical discussions on the mailing list on issues such as whether or not
> there should be a set of core PDO libraries, the PDO metadata vocabulary, 
> driver extensibility, etc.

Thanks fro writing and welcome to the list. We appreciate your will to help
as much as we agree any other help. As you probably have noted already we
are a bit unsure how to preceed from now. Maybe you can start helping with
working on the current PDO. This would allow us to see some input from your
side that way introducing yourself and your team better. And it also allows
you to understand the way PHP gets developed better.

Best regards,

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