Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> On 14.02.2008, at 22:07, Christopher Jones wrote:
>> Pierre Joye wrote:
>> > You (as group)
>> We are individuals, all members of the mail lists.
> Ok, could the Microsoft and IBM people on this list please speak up
> then? Could also one of the Oracle internals guys speak up on this list?
> That is what Pierre was asking for.

What do you want the Oracle internals guys to speak about?  They may
not be known to you personally, but I've acknowledged some of the
coders in various bugs fixes, one of the driver architects has
featured in my blog, and some of the key people (including
"management") have attended the Zend Conferences here in California
for the last couple of years.


Christopher Jones, Oracle
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel:  +1 650 506 8630
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