Pierre Joye schrieb:
Tell us the names of these entities, companies or persons, who are
going to contribute and what are actually their requirements. What
will they bring (saying "expertise" is not something I can buy)? I
don't understand what is so hard to understand that it is a minimum to
get before we can even discuss the CLA introduction. Let alone the
fact that they don't consider us as good enough as discussions

Should be known, just to clearify...

From MySQL side primarily Jay (Pipes) has been involved.

Who can you talk to on MySQL side? Well, the usual suspects: me, Jay (Pipes), Georg (Richter), Kaj (Arnö), Giuseppe (Maxia), ... - and all the others being active in the PHP world.

Who would contribute code? No clue, really. Check who has the skills for it and you can speculate, if that makes any difference to you.


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