
changes. While that almost certainly is due to the poor way that the some of the
moves were documented, a version of 5.2 is still a preferred base for some? And
this should perhaps be viewed as the current LTS branch? Certainly for windows

a) it is not, since we don't support it. Somebody else could do the support, backport patches, etc. - but as far as PHP group is considered, this version is not supported anymore and nobody has any desire to do it as far as I know. b) we certainly couldn't know anything about it in 2006 when we released 5.2.

of a PHP6 branch which PHP5.3 was a sort of 'son of' development. As with PHP4,
some sections of users will simply not bother to change what they are using
anyway, so for them, which ever version they use is an 'LTS' so an official LTS
really is just a point at which major work MAY be required to switch over, so
that is the point at which dropping PHP5.2.LTS needs to be considered? Can
anybody make a case for anything earlier being the current LTS base?

They can lag on any version that works for them, that's fine and if it works for them, great. However I don't see how it explains how we can declare any random version of PHP LTS upfront. If it's a new version, they won't upgrade to it anyway, so that doesn't help neither them not us, and if they're ready to upgrade, they could upgrade to any regular version and stick with it they same way they do now.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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