On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> Stas Malyshev wrote:
>>> changes. While that almost certainly is due to the poor way that the
>>> some of the
>>> moves were documented, a version of 5.2 is still a preferred base for
>>> some? And
>>> this should perhaps be viewed as the current LTS branch? Certainly for
>>> windows
>> But
>> a) it is not, since we don't support it. Somebody else could do the
>> support, backport patches, etc. - but as far as PHP group is considered,
>> this version is not supported anymore and nobody has any desire to do it
>> as far as I know.
>> b) we certainly couldn't know anything about it in 2006 when we released
>> 5.2.
> Currently off the shelf, 5.2.17 is the 'old stable' but for some windows
> users it IS the only available version. Changing the rest of the
> infrastructure to support PHP5.3 builds of windows is not just a matter of
> changing the PHP package!

There is no reason not to update, absolutely none.

>  So while PHP may have washed it's hands of the
> problem, those users who are stuck in the hole still need to be supported in
> some way. But all that is being asked for is security fixes which seem to be
> a LOT less of a problem nowadays anyway? So support IS just a matter of
> maintaining availability to it and the correct builds of extensions that go
> with it.

No it is not only about these rather simple tasks, really not. QA,
testing, etc. require consequent efforts, from many different teams.


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