Well said, Florin. :)

I'm not a core contributor, I never have been and probably never will be as
I don't know C... but I do follow internals quite keenly. It strikes me
that the biggest problem here is that there's no one entity to decide the
rules of the road, so everything (including the rules as to how things
should work,) has to be decided by committee - but the committee is too big
and too diverse to be useful.

If you look at other big open source projects, there's usually a person or
group that sets the ground rules for contributions and as long as everyone
plays by those rules, contribution is easy, rewarding and painless. Take
Blink for example, Google defined the rules but now Intel, Opera, and so on
all play nicely together with *very* little friction.

Blink seems to have a really good framework for contribution; Instead of X%
of contributors having to agree, they provide an "intent to implement"
framework to seek feedback on an idea, and an "intent to ship" framework to
seek approval from *three* relevant code owners - the people that know the
most about the section of code your patch affects. This seems to allow for
rapid innovation whilst protecting the codebase from fly-by patches.

Could something like that work for PHP? And, perhaps more importantly,
would the PHP core contributors be open to a person/group being appointed
to lay down these ground rules? It could work on a time-restricted basis
akin to the release manager role.

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