Why not both?
The list should and will remain, but I see no issue in using the same
inbox to start/reply-to a thread; it's been done, it can be done!
And I don't think it's just about keeping people who like one or the
other more, but rather allowing a quick read over the conversation in
a threaded conversation when my main e-mail client isn't available
(not that gmail is THAT terrible with the threaded conversations)

But I think this is a secondary question to the more relevant "is the
PHP internals mailing, RFC process, «not the PHP way» discussions,
etc" working out positively for the language, the (internals)
developers and web developers at large.
And please don't just cite the PHP usage numbers, I think those more
involved know it's a more complex matter than only that...

The way I see Anthony's response wasn't because of that particular
discussion, but the last drop of a continuous number of inefficient
communication or just a bit of bad taste when defending X view within
a discussion.

I also have to agree with having the more prominent "PHP Companies"
being part of the process (and improving it if possible) as well as
outsiders (be it FB or others) being included in a more friendly and
productive discussion. Along with a vision for the long term. (Rasmus,
I don't think this is so much a roadmap, as it is a need for simply a
vision as broad as can be)

Or as Rodney King put it: Why can't we all just get along?

Cheers :)

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