> From: Andrea Faulds [mailto:a...@ajf.me]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:56 PM
> To: Rowan Collins
> Cc: internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE][RFC] Name of Next Release of PHP
> Maybe if I have some time I'll try to restructure the RFC.

Please don't.

I think the way it's laid out right now makes sense.  Let's not try to
sweep this under the carpet - we two mutually exclusive options and we
need to decide between them.

We agreed on a certain format, we agreed that each option will have its
own section and that its proponents will write the best possible case for
it - rebuttal or otherwise.  Let's stick with this decision and move

To those who are saying 'let's bury it for now', I absolutely think we
should go all the way and be done with it.  In fact, had Andrea not bring
it up a few weeks ago, I'd be bringing it up shortly after the PHPNG RFC.
This has been a lingering question for a long time, and personally, I'm
fed up with having to write 'PHP.NEXT', '.1', '.2', '6/7' and all sorts of
other politically-correct version numbers.  I think those who write 'PHP
6' or alternatively 'PHP 7' are being unfair until a decision has been

We've invested heavily in this in terms of discussion, we're not waiting
for any additional data points and delaying the decision will do nothing
but waste additional time in the future.

Let's take a decision and be done with it.


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