
> Jeroen Massar wrote:
> At this moment you can announce almost anything
> you want apparently.

Yep I see /32 /33 /35 /40 /41 /42 /44 /48 /64 from some
peers, Including some interesting ones such as:

This is the very reason we have to be very careful with any kind of
globally unique address that has a global scope, because it can really
quickly degenerate into having clueless ISPs that don't care to clueful
salespersons that see an opportunity. As a few thousand prefixes would
not be a problem at the beginning, it might take of really quick leaving
a big mess to clean up some years later.

> Fortunatly there are clued ISP's who do
> filter accordingly to:

NRENS do filter too for what I have seen.

> As you are probably one of the many people who really
> knows that we need is: Multihoming ;)

How did you guess that?


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