In the interest of simplicity and consistency (note that the protocol in
question is referred to as DHCP or DHCPv6 through all of specifications [as
well as in the original version of this text], not "DHC"), I suggest the
text below.

Comments on previous earlier text:

   including addresses that are likely not available via stateless address

Deleted as it adds no discernible content to the text.

   Clients SHOULD use DHC to obtain addresses (and associated
   configuration information) as described in [ADDRCONF].

S/Clients/The node/
Deleted reference to [ADDRCONF] (what part of [ADDRCONF] was referenced
Added reference to interface on which RA was received for clarity

   since the DHC server will return "other"

s/"other"/all available configuration information/

   [DHCPv6lite] is available for autoconfiguration of other

s/autoconfiguration/delivery/ because the configuration involves a server
  and is not "autoconfiguration"

   - If the M bit is also set, clients SHOULD use DHC to obtain
     addresses (and associated configuration information) as
     described above.

Reworded for clarity

    M :
        1-bit "Managed address configuration" flag.  When set, it
        indicates that addresses are available via Dynamic Host
        Configuration Protocol [DHCPv6].  When the M flag is set,
        nodes SHOULD use DHCPv6 to obtain addresses (and associated
        configuration information) to be assigned to the interface on
        which the RA was received.  Note that when the M flag is
        set, the setting of the O bit is irrelevant, since the DHCPv6
        server will return all available configuration information
        together with any addresses.

    O :
        1-bit "Other configuration" flag.  When set, it indicates that
        DHCPv6 for other configuration information [DHCPv6lite] is available
        for delivery of other (non-address) information.  Examples of such
        information are DNS-related information or information on other
        servers within the network. When the O flag is set,

         - If the M flag is also set, the O flag is irrelevant (as
           described above) and the node SHOULD use DHCPv6 to obtain
           addresses and associated configuration information.
         - If the M flag is not set, the node SHOULD use DHCPv6 as
           described in RFC3736.

       Note that if neither M nor O are set, the node SHOULD NOT not
       request any information with DHCPv6.

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