On 8/28/07, David Malone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 03:53:22PM -0400, Suresh Krishnan wrote:
> > >I would be curious how people feel about these choices if they also apply
> > >to (as they should) IPv4 source routing.
> > I think the problems, though overlapping, are completely different in
> > magnitude. The problem with IPv4 source routing is not AS SEVERE as the
> > problem with RH0.

The 'problem' with source-routing is that people forgot that it
exists, plain and simple. Then someone stood up and said, look! with
source-routing I can ... source-route packets! and I can do 'bad

Then people got all flakey and decided we better just turn that off
and remove it from the protocol :( people haven't removed ICMP from
the earth and it's been responsible for more 'security incidents' over
time than source-routing. The same goes for http for that matter.

> Actually - I've a feeling that at the time the problems with IPv4
> source routing were discussed, they would have been considered more
> severe. They allowed remote user (or maybe even root) level access
> to many systems. At the time DoSes weren't considered so serious.

Yup, and someone/no-one noted this as a real concern with ipv6 RH0,
everyone focused on the least interesting problem and decided to
shutdown RHO and excise it from the protocol... a blatant knee jerk
reaction. It's interesting to me that this blatant knee jerk reaction
is getting a base protocol level change, yet locator/id split isn't.
It's interesting that folks feel in this instance ipv6 is 'less used
and less critical' and thus able to be changed where in the locator/id
split discussion that argument was not acceptable.

'hypocrisy' I think is the word I'm looking for?

> Today, a DoS, even with a magnification factor of 80 or so, is
> probably less severe in my mind. YMMV...

and 80x magnification is a problem... but in this case (and in many
other cases of same) there are simple solutions that could/should be
used. Solutions which don't require base protocol changes.


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