Hi Woj,
  Thanks for your comments.

On 10-08-18 07:11 AM, Wojciech Dec wrote:

I have a question or two to the draft authors who can hopefully clarify the expected context and working of this scheme, which at the moment is a bit unclear. In essence the problem this draft appears to be trying to solve is using RS/RA messages to induce state into intermediate or IP edge devices like what is done for DHCP, with the LIO being used to induce such state. All this is presumably meant to take place following an RS message sent by a client. Thus, my questions are: How does this solution cope in a case where the client does not send an RS? (or the RS sending has timed out)?

The first sign of life from the client is either an RS or a DHCPv6 message. If the network does not see either of the messages, there will be no address allocated/prefix advertised to the client. The client will not have any connectivity.


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