On Aug 19, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Thomas Narten wrote:

> The reality is that the Internet ecosystem has a wide variety of
> devices now, and many don't cleanly fit into either category. Even
> routers are hosts, when they act as the sender or originator of
> traffic.
> Even with routers, this thread talks about edge routers (those on
> networks where hosts connect) and SP internal links (which are mostly
> or always p2p). Clearly, we could could think of functionality
> critical for one type of device but irrelevant (or maybe worse) for
> the other.
> I don't think we are in a position with the node requirements document
> to try and slice those kinds of hairs. We'll never get anywhere...
> FWIW, I'm in favor of MUST implement, since the idea of a generic
> edge router not implementing redirects seems like something we should
> not encourage. Also, I'm not convinced yet that the cost of
> implementing redirects is particularly a problem in the general case,
> which is what this document is all about.

This is where we differ. I do not believe that the requirement document should
make blanket statements that cover all routers when the benefits apply to only
a portion of the cases. We can debate how much this portion represent, but
the reality is that there is a significant cost to implement this on some 
and it is known that those card will not be in a situation where redirect will
ever make sense. This, to me, fits the very definition of SHOULD. You really
should do this (implement redirect) unless you have a really good reason not to.

   - Alain.

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