
On May 9, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Thomas Narten wrote:

>> My personal observation, if it's implemented in Windows Vista &
>> WIn7, Linux, BSD, (and probably Macs), then this sounds like widely
>> implemented.  This plus Ole's use scenario, leads me to think it
>> should be a SHOULD.
> I could probably go with a SHOULD.
> But, I wonder if we are living in the past using the above as
> representative of implementations.
> When are we going to start counting cell phones, tablets and other
> electronic devices?
> I've seen various stats that say traditional PCs will be a minority of
> devices accessing the Internet sometime this year.
> (Of course, the overall percentage of such devices with IPv6 makes the
> argument sort of moot, but that's a detail...)

To put it another way, if we think there is a good use case for this as Ole 
describes, we will be doing a service to the devices that don't have their IPv6 
code yet, to make it a SHOULD so they are more likely to implement it.



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