On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 14:45 -0700, Mark Smith wrote:
> Actually it can, as the destination address for the server the relay uses
> can be the all-dhcp-serviers site-local (FF05:0:0:0:0:0:1:3) multicast
> address.

I have yet to see this in the wild, and would be interested to hear if
anyone actually does this. It seems to me that it is asking for trouble
- anyone could set up a server and add themselves to that group, then
receive - and answer! - DHCP queries. That is of course true anyway on
the client link, but it's a different scale of problem on the wider
network. Mitigation would need filters everywhere, just in case.
Unicasting from relays requires configuration of all relays, but that is
required anyway - and all the relays could have the *same*
configuration, which is always good.

My understanding (poor) is that since site-local was deprecated, the
various ff05::/16 addresses were pretty much deprecated as well.
Actually that's not an understanding, it's an assumption :-) And I can
see that an alternative path would be to let all the site-local
well-known addresses stand alone; no longer site-local as such, just
"they are what they are".
Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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