On May 31, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Owen DeLong 
<o...@delong.com<mailto:o...@delong.com>> wrote:
What solutions exist today that provide for the home of the future where there 
are, in fact, multiple levels of routers many of which are managing routers 
underneath them with multiple links attached?

There's a fairly ugly DHCPv6 PD binary splitting solution that's actually been 
implemented, which is not efficient because it does sub-delegations of >/64 
prefixes to internal routers.   There's the better PD solution that lets the 
router that got the initial delegation sub-delegate /64s throughout the home, 
which results in efficient use of the initial prefix.   And there's delegation 
over ZOSPF, for which there is running code that the implementors seem to think 
works, and which is also efficient in its use of prefixes.   This is a solved 

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