> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Hinden [mailto:bob.hin...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 12:59 PM
> To: Mark ZZZ Smith
> Cc: Bob Hinden; Ole Troan; Brian Carpenter; IPv6 IPv6 List; Dave Thaler
> Subject: Re: draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses: Document title
> Mark,
> > Why does this method have to be limited to SLAAC, or rather, wouldn't
> describing it as SLAAC related imply that this or a similar technique can't be
> used with DHCPv6 or any other address configuration methods?
> >
> > While DHCPv6 assigned addresses are naturally per-subnet, I'd think the IID
> generation techniques described should be an option for DHCPv6 provided
> addresses e.g., different IIDs are generated for different subnets by the
> DHCPv6 server even when the client provides the same DUID.
> >
> > It's starting to seem to me that more clearly separating address generation
> methods from address configuration methods would be worth while. 

I agree with all of the above discussion.

> If I
> statically configure an address that complies with this algorithm (perhaps
> because my host doesn't yet implement the SLAAC method of configuring
> them), is it a "stable privacy address" (or what ever name it ends up with)? 
> In
> practice I'd probably still call it a "stable privacy address".
> That's a good point, the same issues apply to SLAAC and DHCPv6 generated
> addresses.  The next version of Privacy Considerations for IPv6 Address
> Generation Mechanisms will hopefully address the issues in DHCP.
> Regarding the title, of this draft, how about:
>   Stable Temporary Per-Subnet Interface Identifiers

"Temporary" definitely doesn't belong in the title because they're not nearly
as temporary as the ones in RFC 4941.

> My thinking behind this suggestion is that the draft is about a new type of
> Interface Identifiers, addresses are somewhat separate.  The are temporary
> as they are not tied to a hardware token like an IEEE MAC address.  They are
> stable as they intended to be used for a long while on the same subnet and
> don't change per connection/application.  It is a bit of an oxymoron :-)
> Another choice:
>   Pseudo-Random Per-Subnet Interface Identifiers
> They are pseudo-random and intended to be used on a single subnet.

I have no problem with the above.

> Personally, I would prefer something like these titles because "privacy" is
> once of several characteristics and the privacy characteristic depend a lot on
> how they are used and other factors like if they are put in the DNS, shared at
> the application layer, the prefix remains constant, etc.

I agree it would be good to keep the word "Privacy" out of the name of
the type of interface identifiers.   It should only be in the title if used in
a way that doesn't modify the term "address" or "interface identifier".
(By comparison the title of RFC 4941 has Privacy used in a way that doesn't,
and is fine.)


> Bob
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