On 08/12/2013 09:11 PM, james woodyatt wrote:
>> Given the above options I'd stick with the current title. Besides,
>> the community has become used to refer to this method as
>> "stable-privacy-addresses".. so changing the title at this point
>> would, IMHO, only contribute to confusion.
> Count me in the group who would like to change the title.

I knew that starting this thread was asking for trouble :-))

> I propose
> using the word "opaque" instead:
> Long Title: "Stateless Automatic IPv6 Address Configuration (SLAAC)
> with Stable and Semantically Opaque Interface Identifiers"

How about "A method for generating Semantically Opaque Interface
Identifiers with Stateless Automatic IPv6 Address Configuration (SLAAC)"?

(otherwise it sounds like the Interface IDs are already there when you
do SLAAC).

> Short Title: "SLAAC with Stable and Opaque IIDs"
> I propose to use the word "opaque" here because the pseudo-random
> number generator is an implementation detail. The objective is to
> remove the semantic content of the EUI-64 formatted MAC address from
> all the IP addresses that a host needs to use.

Not just that. Because if you were to replace the EUI-64 with some
constant number, the IID would be opaque, but you'd still be subject to
e.g. tracking attacks.

> The privacy
> consideration is only one of several goals that achieving that
> objective is meant to address.  Another goal is to reduce the
> likelihood of IID collision.

Me, I see "privacy" as not disclosing more than you're strictly required
to communicate. That is, not leak node identity, underlying NIC vendor,
etc., etc.

IMHO, I wouldn't personally opt for changing the title, since I think it
conveys the information it is meant to convey.

That say, if we (wg) want to go that path, something along the lines of
what I suggested above (essentially *your* suggestion, with a minor mod)
would seem to be the best alternative I have so far seen.

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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