fhomasp wrote:
> The document needs to be printed in a newspaper.

I've done a similar assignment for "De Persgroep".
It took me less than 2 days ;-)
The code is used in several magazines and in HLN.

>  The maximum is the largest
> size of the page of the newspaper.  The other intervals are the lengths
> given to me where the document can be cut.  So if I have a resulting table
> of 5cm and the interval is 80mm I need to fill the rest up with whitespace +
> a footer with image.  So this means if my footer is 15mm I still need to add
> 15mm with whitespace.  I use the padding of the cell with the image footer
> to accomplish that.  that's one of the reasons I use PfdPTables.  I'll
> explain the other more important reason, eventhough it should be irrelevant. 
> I've never heard that PfdPTables are bad in usage except for today.  If it
> didn't come from you I wouldn't have believed it.

I didn't say PdfPTables are bad in usage!

I'm just saying you shouldn't mow your lawn with a Ferrari, and you 
shouldn't enter a Grand Prix driving a lawn mower.

You shouldn't say a Ferrari is a bad car because it can't mow lawns, and 
you shouldn't say a lawn mower is a bad tool because it can't win a 
Grand Prix.

> Like I said...  I feel like I'm being held at gunpoint, for what?  If you
> feel the need to threathen me I'll gladly give you my phone number.  You can
> say whatever you want in your own native language and it'll be a local call.

It's not a threat; it's an economic reality: Bob Van Rompuy says they 
are very happy using iText because it's "free". But my time isn't 
free... If you want me to solve your problem, you may want to ask Bob to 
buy support.

I don't feel like I'm threatening you; I feel like you're stealing time 
and revenue from me ;-)
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