Last night, I framed out an attempt at the Jakarta Commons site.   It's
live :

I also changed the Jakarta site to include Commons in the subproject
list, so it is now accessible from the regular Jakarta site.

I will assume that no one will find what is up there too offensive,
aside from the logo.

Some notes, in no apparent order :

1a) I am not married to any of this.  I just wanted to get something
up.  Morgan is working on more content, so I just wanted to get
something fleshed out and setup for him (and others) to continue with.

1b) The content is just whatever came to mind after a long day at work,
after a long night doing velocity's release.  In the light of day, it
may not make much sense.  Feel free to chop it up.  

2) Given the historical timescales of some of our discussions, I figured
I would just use Anakia based on the Jakarta Site stylesheet for this,
until the whole discussion of docbook vs. stylebook vs. generic XSLT vs.
Anakia vs. Oasis vs. Jakarta vs. W3C vs. the role of standards in a
dynamic and changing industry gets resolved.  Feel free to switch if
that happens :)

3) I now have a top level page for the components (well, only one right
now, BeanUtils), but this can be pushed down into each component. 
Again, I just wanted to frame something out.

4) The logo is horrible.  Someone please come up with something better,
or I will be forced to Gimp again!

5) There is a build.xml file for Ant that does all the work.  Ant will
go out and fetch the style.vsl sheet from jakarta-site2's CVS, so you
will always build with the current stylesheet.  You still have to go on
the easter egg hunt for Ant, Velocity, and Xerces (I think).  I will
argue you don't have to install any of those - just include the jars in
the classpath. 

6) I included simple instructions on how to build the site html source
from the xml (and will add a note on how to make that content live on
the jakarta site....)  It also includes a stealth :)

Hope y'all like it.


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Developing for the web?  See

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