"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> > Ah I see, you want to use CVS to move the docs to the
> > server.  Well, I don't ordinarily check generated docs
> > into CVS, but whatever floats your boat.  :)

It does  float my boat.  It saved me last night with the jakarta site.
(see below)

> >
> I'd much prefer not checking in the generated HTML pages (having fought
> unsuccessfully with jakarta-site2 over a modem last night), 

If it would save you checking in the HTML, wouldn't you have to move the
HTML to daedalus anyway?

So why can't you check in the content XML, and then go do daedalus to
gen the HTML and check in from there?

> but Jon's
> energetic conversion of most projects to using that style means it's
> probably too late to argue about it :-).

It's not too late.  I don't want my unilateral action to dictate what we
do.  I just wanted to get something going.

But checking the content into CVS *is* really convenient, especially if
there's a clear path to generate that content, which there is (the
BUILD_DOCS.txt note in jakarta-commons tells you how to do it, and is
even a build script itself...).

1) The site content has an audit trail if it comes from CVS.  This
doesn't prevent 'sinister forces' from doing something unseemly with the
site, but that's not the issue.

2) It makes it easy to recover from an error.  Last night, in my groggy
fog, I managed to delete the jakarta site's index.html page on
daedalus.  'cvs update' fixed it immediately with the correct content.

3) You can checkout a CVS tree that includes the current site, which is
nice, w/o having to build.  Since we don't want to include the
framework/build jars, its easy for people then.  Of course, if we
included ant, xerces, and velocity jars, this would be less of an issue

My 0.02


Geir Magnusson Jr.                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Developing for the web?  See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/

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