----- Original Message -----
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 2:54 PM
Subject: Re : Repost: [Cactus] What remains to do ...

> I don't remember the vote count, (+1 from me if I didn't vote, but I think
> did). When 'official', this sounds like something for you to do.  We can
> help organize the directory layout, but I think Craig set a nice model
> the beanutils contribution.

Ok, I'll move Cactus from the sandbox to the Commons later tonight. The
layout is already like beanutils. Feel free to comment on it if you feel
like it.

> > > 2- find a location (URL) for it's web site, finish modifying the web
> site
> > > (there a few URLs to modify) and adapt it to whatever format is
> > >  for  Commons (it is using stylebook for the moment, which I like a
> ... :) )
> I can help with that.  I assume that we will adopt the standard Jakarta
> format to integrate with the rest of jakarta.  We would need to do the
> commons site (someone is already working on that?), which I assume we
> after Taglibs.
> <ob Velocity plug>
>  Stylebook is fine, although using Anakia from Jakarta Velocity is
> to be used (Velocity, Cocoon, Turbine, and the Jakarta site itself, for
> example) and moving from stylebook to Anakia isn't much of a leap.  We
> converted the Velocity site pretty quickly.  I like it because the
> templating is very simple with Velocity, regeneration of pages is very
> (only regens the changed pages, and its faster than stylebook) which helps
> when doing repeated edit-render-review steps when doing docs or
> things and your source XML docs remain the same.  But there is no
> requirement for this.  I will be happy to help convert if you/we want to
> that.  If not, stylebook is cool.
> </ob Velocity plug>

Initially I used Stylebook because I did not know about Anakia. Then I found
Anakia and found that it was using a custom templating mechanism, which I
did not like that much (I much prefer staying standard, using XSL
transformation). I have been using the standard jakarta stylebook style so I
did not touch the XSL stylesheets (hopefully for me ... otherwise that would
have been a project on it's own ... :) ). Now, I am not sure which is best.
I have not tried Velocity but from what people says, the templates are much
easier to write. This I like ! I'm still not sure about not being standard

Anyway, I suggest that I make the move to commons keeping the existing
stylebook for the moment and add a todo task to migrate to Anakia if that is
the target for commons subprojects. Anyway,  I'll align with the
recommandation that will be made.

> > > 3- find a location for storing the Cactus deliverable files (nightly
> > > builds  and releases) and link to them in the downloads page.
> > > Ask Sam to modify the GUMP J2EEUnit config to Cactus
> > > and ask him to drop nightly builds there.
> That's easy.  I'll help if you want.

Sam, after I make the move tonight (for me that is GMT+1) to commons, would
you be able to update the GUMP script to point to that location ? Would you
be able to also copy the generated files to a nightly deliverables area. You
can use the 'dist' target of Cactus to do that and set the 'dist.dir'
property prior to calling the Ant build script. The only issue that I see is
with the names of the nignhlty deliverables. For the moment, the names that
the dist target makes end with the version number (that was for SourceForge,
I had to upload unique file names so I put the version number in them). I
can either remove the version and then it will be up to GUMP to rename the
file with the date for exemple or I can change the dist target to do that
and when we release a version we just manually copy the files from a nightly
build to the release area, renaming the files in the same process. What do
you prefer ?

> > > 4- get a mailing-list for Cactus. This could be the commons one to
> > > with but I don't like this much as most of the emails will not contain
> > > [Cactus] in the subject for example and it will very wuickly be hard
> > > know  what someone is talking about
> I thought we decided at first that we would keep all to the same list,
> jakarta-commons.  This will be a self-fixing problem when the number of
> projects, and the traffic gets annoying.  But for now it may help
> community-wise...

Ok, fine with me. We'll see how it goes.

> > 5- get a bug report home
> That's easy if we use the Jakarta Bugzilla

Do we also use the same bugzilla for all Commons subprojects ? Is it created
yet ? Who is doing that ? :)

> > 6- get a link on the jakarta home page to the Cactus web site
> We would make a link to the Commons site, which would contain Cactus


> > 7- put a new in the jakarta news area
> Easy.  You can write the release and I will be happy to post.

I'll do that. Thanks.

> > 8- announce everywhere that J2EEUnit has been donated to ASF and renamed
> to
> > Cactus not to infringe on Sun's J2EE trademark (I'll do that part)
> > 9- get a jyve FAQ and transfer FAQ from SourceForge forum to that FAQ.
> >
> > Anyone could help with organization and getting the needed resources ?
> Assuming that no one minds, and nothing blows up in Velocity-land, I can
> start framing it out tonight.  If someone is already working, I'm happy to
> help push this along.
> geir


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