Vincent Massol wrote:

> Initially I used Stylebook because I did not know about Anakia. Then I found
> Anakia and found that it was using a custom templating mechanism, which I
> did not like that much (I much prefer staying standard, using XSL
> transformation). I have been using the standard jakarta stylebook style so I
> did not touch the XSL stylesheets (hopefully for me ... otherwise that would
> have been a project on it's own ... :) ). Now, I am not sure which is best.
> I have not tried Velocity but from what people says, the templates are much
> easier to write. This I like ! I'm still not sure about not being standard
> ...

Oh no.  I didn't get the memo about using standards. I'm screwed :)  My
desktop OS is linux, my favorite programming language right now is Java,
my next computer will have an AMD chip, I like 'Gump', and I voted
Democrat.  (Ok, the last one was more of a standard last time round, but
thats probably not for this forum...)


> Anyway, I suggest that I make the move to commons keeping the existing
> stylebook for the moment and add a todo task to migrate to Anakia if that is
> the target for commons subprojects. Anyway,  I'll align with the
> recommandation that will be made.

Let me take a look at what you have so far while the 'standards'
discussion continues.  It should be easy to convert.

And if the consensus is to go the other way, we go the other way.

> > > 5- get a bug report home
> >
> > That's easy if we use the Jakarta Bugzilla
> Do we also use the same bugzilla for all Commons subprojects ? Is it created
> yet ? Who is doing that ? :)

Well, we just got this started :)

We are already in bugzilla as a subproject.  BeanUtils is there as a
component.  So all we have to do is add Cactus when it makes the move. 
I would be Craig could make the change :)


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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