on 8/15/01 11:47 AM, "Vincent Massol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I agree. I am just not sure that including one jar inside another is
> something good and possible (is it done anywhere else ?).

Velocity includes the LogKit.jar and ORO.jar files within the velocity.jar
file. Hasn't been an issue (other than logkit breaking backwards

    [unzip] Expanding:
/Users/jon/checkout/jakarta-velocity/build/lib/log.jar in
to /Users/jon/checkout/jakarta-velocity/bin/classes
    [unzip] Expanding:
/Users/jon/checkout/jakarta-velocity/build/lib/oro.jar in
to /Users/jon/checkout/jakarta-velocity/bin/classes
   [delete] Deleting directory
      [jar] Building jar:

We would have used Log4JME, but at the time it wasn't as small as it is now.

> License won't be
> an issue here obviously. The problem I can see is that with versions. If I
> have the Log4jME classes in my component jar and then the user likes Log4j
> and puts the jar on the classapth *before* my jar and it happens that the
> version he uses it older than mine and does not support such method I am
> using, then we have a problem, right ? :(

Nope. Your code will still only call known methods, not new methods and
deprecation rules apply for backwards compatibility. Thanks to Gump and Sam
and I bugging him, Ceki is well aware of keeping things fully backwards


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