On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

> In the end, I think the discussion about the Logging wrapper comes back to
> whether or not people are ok with binding themselves to Log4J.
> Personally, I think that this worry that Craig expressed about people not
> liking Log4J is un-substantiated red herring FUD (correct me with real
> examples)

Somebody needs to go back and read his own arguments before JVZ
convinced his they were wrong ... 

Personally, I don't think any of the current Commons components are big
enough to need anything more than System.out debug messages (which is why 
I was able to stay out of this stupid argument for so long), but that's
just my opinion.

But I'm done talking about it ... see next message for a [VOTE] request.

> and the reasons are:
> #1. Ceki has stated that Log4J will support JDK 1.4 Logging API's when they
> are released. When that happens, people can switch out Log4J anyways.
> #2. Log4J allows people's existing code to be used through custom Appenders.
> People will need to write their own "Appenders" if they use a Logging
> wrapper anyway.
> #3. This is the Jakarta project. We should eat our own dog food as much as
> possible. If people don't like Log4J and refuse to use our software because
> we do like it, then that is their problem, not ours.
> p.s. I'm putting Costin's *valid* issues with Log4J on the wayside right now
> because I think that those are issues which can be resolved and are not
> necessarily design issues with Log4J itself. They are important, but they
> can be solved.
> -jon


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