
As an OSGi supporter I also think Eric has gone a little far with this
blog post. It's clear to me at least that the JavaPosse was never
intended to be a "watch dog". You're just 4 guys podcasting about what
interests you, and your popularity and success speaks for itself. If
the "OSGi community" wants a podcast that satisfies our biases more
than yours then we should just damn well start one. I'm not under any
illusions that it would be able to catch up with you guys in
popularity any time soon.

However if you're really being begged for interviews, then I think you
can afford to be a _little_ tougher on the interviewees. I'm not
talking about gotcha tactics or screwing people over, just asking them
to back up what they say and digging a little deeper. You don't need
to interview like Bill O'Reilly or even Jeremy Paxman, but an
occasional streak of Krishnan Guru-Murthy wouldn't be so bad.


On Jun 27, 12:13 am, Dick Wall <dickw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow - what a report. I really couldn't let this one go by without some
> comment.
> Some choice pieces from the article:
> "defend Jigsaw scathing, cynical, and even insulting comments about
> OSGi folks"
> From everything (and I mean everything) I have observed so far, the
> scathing comes primarily from the OSGi followers, and not the main
> camp either, but a noisy group of people who seem to have injected
> themselves into the discussion. I certainly didn't pick up anything
> scathing in Mark or Alex's answers, nor in all fairness did I pick up
> anything from Peter Kriens or B.J. Hargrave when we interviewed them.
> As far as I can see, the key players in this game have been
> professional throughout. Opinions not matching your own do not
> constitute scathing cynicism, or insults, they are merely differing
> opinions.
> "At first I figured the reason was that the Java Posse is not actually
> a technical forum, but is popular for its entertainment value,
> instead. But some of the other threads seemed to treat technical
> topics seriously"
> You bet - I believe we have amassed a fantastic group of energetic
> people who are passionate about all aspects of the Java language,
> platform and community. Eric, I really believe you should reserve such
> judgment until you have been a member of the forums a little longer
> and joined in on some other threads that Jigsaw/OSGi. I would also
> point out that your comments about the forums not being technical but
> only for entertainment is a little insulting to the people here, Again
> - it's regrettable if not everyone sees it your way, but really isn't
> that just an opportunity to learn from others.
> "Finally it occurred to me that the Java Posse is just probably more
> of a "lap dog" than a "watch dog""
> Right, this is the line that prompted the response, and respond I
> will. Firstly, you seem to be claiming insults, scathing and cynicism
> from Jigsaw (and us, and the forums), but I believe we have the best
> example of all three right here. I am an engineer with 20 years of
> experience, I am nobody's lapdog, nor are Carl, Joe and Tor I can
> assure you. In fact these are three of the finest professionals I have
> ever had the pleasure to work with - why do you suppose I wanted to do
> a podcast with them in the first place?
> I really hope you can back up your statement here. What is it based
> on? We do not accept sponsorship (Atlassian beer-for-events
> awesomeness aside - but that is the only thing and would anyone
> serious begrudge our live audience members that)? I also would point
> out that just a few weeks before the Jigsaw interview, we did a
> similar interview with Peter and BJ for OSGi. Do you really believe
> that it was not fair and balanced to let Mark and Alex respond to that
> criticism (which, as I have mentioned, seemed professional and honest
> from both sides). Also, if you really believe we influence what ~3000
> developers on this group think, I believe you have overestimated our
> reach. The Java Posse Google group is a fantastic discussion forum,
> and one of the things I am proudest of from the podcast, but I think
> that most people here have made up their own mind on things, and if
> you are finding resistance to your "one true way" perhaps that should
> be significant.
> Thirdly, if you really believe we are "not biting the hand that feeds
> us" to get the "scoop" on news or people to interview, I would hope
> that common sense would indicate otherwise. Long gone are the days
> were we needed to beg for interviews, these days (seriously) it is all
> I can do to stay up to date with the requests (sorry folks, I do get
> backed up on this stuff some times because my real job gets in the
> way). I believe some of this has come from the fact that we do not
> practice gotcha tactics, try and screw people over or put words in
> their mouths. We remember who's interview it is and let them have
> their say.
> I am really disappointed that you would come out of the gate swinging
> like this. I believe it doesn't show your cause in a good light either
> - such animosity towards people rarely makes friends. I hope you hang
> around long enough to see the value in the community we have built
> here, and maybe to work out that we are in fact nobody's lapdog.
> Cheers
> Dick
> On Jun 26, 2:24 pm, "phil.swen...@gmail.com" <phil.swen...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >http://modualrit.blogspot.com/2009/06/jigsaw-posse.html
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