A couple of things I forgot to mention;


I think the interview raised a lot of the "controversial" points in a
respectful manner, but the points were raised (why not OSGi) multiple
times. It was very fair. Was it a 60 minutes type interview? No, but I
didn't think anybody would expect it to be so. I guess it's ok for
people to expect NPR like interviews here, but that's a bit funny for
this type of podcast no?


"There are no technical arguments for having two Java module systems,
so the strategy is to pick a fight and blame the other guys."

1) I think points have been raised here and in the podcast that are
more than flame baiting. What I don't like its again, painting
everybody with such a broad brush and making it sound like *everybody*
is doing what you are saying there.

2) The "two module" systems reminded me of something that was
mentioned in the podcast, that is OSGi is not the only other module
system out there. Netbeans has its own module system, but in these
discussions it seems everybody has forgotten about that. I know that
because I had to do an evaluation of it vs OSGi a couple of years ago.
Just thought I'd mention that.

@Anybody who is still reading
In the podcast it was mentioned that OSGi had XML, then one of the
posse corrected it saying there is no XML in OSGi. In fact there is
http://www.osgi.org/Release4/XMLSchemas, of course some of it is to do
things Jigsaw is not planning on (like declarative services).
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