You forgot one thing, perhaps its biggest attraction[1]: 'Every
Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of
the Dalvik virtual machine. Dalvik has been written so that a device
can run multiple VMs efficiently.'


On Jul 1, 3:08 pm, Casper Bang <> wrote:
> On 1 Jul., 14:30, Fabrizio Giudici <>
> wrote:
> > Can you define "popular"? Possibly in terms of number of installations?
> > Thanks. :-)
> I can try, although I won't jump on the number bandwagon as I think
> that's utterly pointless. Most people with J2ME capable phones have
> never actually run such an application let alone installed a 3'rd part
> one.
> So what do I base this on? Well for one thing, rate of adoption and
> current trends:
> - Google trends suggest much higher interest than there ever were for
> JM2E:
> - Amazon lists a total of 36 J2ME books and 16 Android books.
> Considering J2ME has been out since 2000, Android only since 2008,
> that amounts to 8 books a year for Android vs. 4 books a year for
> J2ME.
> And I have no reason to believe this trend won't continue since:
> - There are over 20 Android phones coming out this year.
> - Manufactures won't have to pay for a J2ME license to include
> Android.
> - Google provides editor, emulator, debugger - the whole shebang in an
> easy to use SDK.
> - No pre-processor required, as the Android spec is less liberal than
> the J2ME and its idiosyncrasies.
> - There are already over 5.000 Android applications, I wish I knew how
> many J2ME apps there are but as usual (same thing happened with the
> component marked) Sun failed to provide such a collaborative and
> unifying model.
> - People coming from J2ME like Android better, because of the powerful
> yet easy to use API's (component library, SQL datastore etc.).
> - Android is a superset of J2ME and supports generics etc. making J2ME
> looking more stale than ever.
> Do you feel otherwise about J2ME, its achievements and future?
> /Casper
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