On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Carl Jokl <carl.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are some arrogant, and unpleasant types around. I believe such
> people make life unpleasant and difficult for many of the more civil
> men, let alone any women (though perhaps at least the men don't
> usually have to worry about being hit on [make a pass on (us)]).

Another problem occurs when a typical office situation develops with
only men. Men become comfortable "being men" in the office environment
and let their guard down because there are no women around. Then, when
a woman does enter the environment, the men sometimes have a hard time
being considerate of the now diverse workgroup. Some fail to even make
an effort.

I'm not trying to justify this kind of behavior. I'm just saying it's
possible for it to "accidentally" develop. Or rather, that it takes an
intentional concerted effort on our part, as men, to make sure women
feel welcome and comfortable in our work environment.

> Maybe I am a little bitter given I wouldn't dream of mistreating a
> female professional in the way described and don't like the idea of
> the community being blanket branded as sexist.

I know this is not going to be a popular view, but since everyone else
is so willing to spew out their perspectives I'll go ahead and spew
mine :) You are not forced to agree with me or even listen to my
viewpoint. I can't help but point out that much of this seems like a
natural effect of the sexual revolution and our larger culture's
obsession with sex. I heard someone say recently that we've both made
much more and much less of sex than it should be. We've made it much
less by cheapening it to be a "normal" interaction between any two
consenting people rather than an interaction that is reserved for only
the most intimate relationships. We've made too much of it by allowing
it to infiltrate *everything* in our lives and putting it on too high
a pedestal. There's a healthy place for sex to exist in any culture.
Suppressing it and pretending it's not an issue is unhealthy.
Flaunting it and idolizing it is equally unhealthy. This does not
excuse *any* of the criminal behavior that has been noted in this
thread. But the fact is that our culture has made people -- especially
women -- sex objects. This kind of crap will continue to happen until
we rebel against that and start treating people as people again. The
revolution promised freedom from useless moral obligations. Instead it
has enslaved us to our desires. With that I've probably stepped
outside the bounds of what this list is about so I'll stop.


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