> > > JMX on the client side and JBoss on the client side are two different
> > > things, right?  AFAIK, MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer() doesn't
> > > require the service deployer.  If it does, that's another thing...
> >
> > Agreed.  All I am talking about is an MBean server.  If someone wants
> > more JBoss services on the client side they can do that, but it
> > shouldn't be required.
> Conceptually I like this, but...
> Are you thinking that these mbeans won't have any attributes?  Or do you
> plan to set them hardcoded in code?  Or where does the configuration come
> from?  Can we serialize a prototype from the server and register the
> deserialized copy on the client? Is there some way to use the new remote
> jmx stuff for something like this?
> david

Could all of this MBean server configuration happen in a client-side
So the first client-side interceptor might initialize the MBean server.
Then the rest of the interceptors in the client chain can use the
interceptor (register services or lookup other services).

This approach would allow you to choose if you use JMX on the client or not.


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