>   Do I want him to use nuclear weapons??  Hell no!  As a
> chemist for the past 20 years and my knowledge of history, I can see
> absolutely no use for nuclear weapons.  Let's just pray this doesn't happen.

most definately. We have so much to lose. The use of the bomb now will not be
confined to two cities as it was in the 40's and now they are much more powerful.

> Peace,
> Heather
> At 03:31 PM 3/15/02 -0800, Kakki wrote:
> >Colin,
> >
> >I have never once thought I was being personally attacked in this - I don't
> >know where you get that at all.  You are not getting the brunt of my
> >offense.  You did however, start bringing up many of the issues to begin
> >with.  It's natural for most American to want to defend their country,
> >especially when they feel crap is being said about it.  We do have the sense
> >that we ARE the government.  Most Americans still feel they have power to
> >change their government'd direction anytime they decide to do so.  We do not
> >yet have to bow to some group of elites who tell us what to do.
> >
> >Kakki

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