> Maybe both scenarios will turn out.

Yes or maybe neither will. One thing I like about this show is that it's
unpredictable, and yet it makes sense at the same time.

> The phrase "back to the garden" is a biblical reference predating Joni.

True. Six Feet Under is not an overtly religious show, though, and as
far as I know they've never used a biblical reference as a title. So,
this being the joni list, it seems appropriate to me to wonder here
about and be on the lookout for a possible joni connection.

It's obviously a "have to wait and see" situation.

Debra Shea

P.S. Just out of curiosity... Is this show available in any country
other than the U.S.?
(or have most of you been extraordinarily patient while this show is
being talked about?)

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