Susan, your post really moved me. Thank you for writing what you did &
channeling your anger so constructively & eloquently.

>>No point to continue pointing a finger, both sides must bear the burden of
responsibility and the responsibility of finding more constructive ways to
live side by side.<<

I like the saying that when you point a finger there are three pointing back
at you. And I have to agree with those who remind us to be careful of the
words we is always dangerous to speak in generalities...whether
it be Arabs, French, Americans, Martians, Jews, Israelis,

Mike in Barcelona, I am sorry to hear that you feel that your opinions (as a
non-Us lister) have been considered invalid. We all have the right to
criticize the policies & decisions of each others governments as well as our
own and I value the opinions of those outside the US whether supportive or

Laurent, I am sorry to hear you had such a bad experience in the US.
However, this country is a big place & as diverse as it gets. Judging the
whole of this country from living in LA would be like that old story about
the blind men describing the elephant by only its tail, its ears, its trunk,
its legs...etc.

Okay, I'll stop now with all these philosophical analogies...

Kate Bennett
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