EXACTLY Kate!  Plenty of great singers and songwriters have written till their last 
gasp!  And why
should she let the biz intimidate her into retirement?  She has always defied the 
norm. What a
victory for "Art's" sake!  

--- Kate wrote: 
> since when did she ever let the biz dictate what she did! why should she let
> it get to her now? how better to spit into that dark cesspool than to write
> & record & release a record outside of the biz!!!!  a simple one, voice &
> instrument....new songs...it would be a sure fire hit...

Kate - Kakki you talk to your people and have them get in touch with my people and 
let's get this
show on the road!  

Kate continues:
> susan, i think we need to have a chat over lunch with joni...kakki, do you
> think you could arrange this? lol...

As you point out this is when she has been at her best.  And with all of her life 
experience now -
think of the possibilities.  Another idea is to revisit those places she visited all 
those years
before and rewrite about them now as opposed to then - sort of like Lillian Hellman 
refers to it -
Pentimento ... OH my Gawd what a great name for the album!

Kate then said:
> come to think of it...how many albums has she written when she goes on a
> retreat? hmmm...blue! hmmm...for the roses! hmmm....hejira!

Okay my head is spinning now with possibility ... as a grand Yentyl once begged:
"Joni can you hear me?"


NP:  Joni/STAS/Night in the City
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