Joni not going out quietly echoes something she wrote years ago:

You've got to shake your fists at lightning now
You've got to roar like forest fire
You've got to spread your light like blazes
All across the sky
They're going to aim the hoses on you
Show 'em you won't expire
Not till you burn up every passion
Not even when you die
Come on now
You've got to try
If you're feeling contempt
Well then you tell it
If you're tired of the silent night
Jesus well then you yell it

Sage advice then and perhaps some impetus for her now.

Ron in L.A.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kate Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Susan Guzzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jim L'Hommedieu (Lama)"
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 7:17 PM
Subject: RE: Article says Joni's calling it quits

> lol susan!
> i am right there dreaming with you...i know joni has earned the right to
> never write again after all of the remarkable songs she has given us..but
> how the world needs to hear her voice in song right now...we need to hear
> the voice of the person who many of us consider the greatest songwriter
> generation has ever known & we need to hear her voice in all of its
> beautiful wisdom & maturity...
> since when did she ever let the biz dictate what she did! why should she
> it get to her now? how better to spit into that dark cesspool than to
> & record & release a record outside of the biz!!!!  a simple one, voice &
> would be a sure fire hit...
> susan, i think we need to have a chat over lunch with joni...kakki, do you
> think you could arrange this? lol...
> come to think of many albums has she written when she goes on a
> retreat?! hmmm...for the roses! hmmm....hejira!
> susan >>In fact if Joni did walk away in this dramatic fashion and went
> and took to the refuge of the roads or went to Amsterdam or Rome or took a
> walk a park a bridge a tree a river - well you get the picture ... perhaps
> she could get inspired to write some new material about the twighlight of
> her career or life.  Then secretly hide away in a studio and record
> everything her way and play with it and tweak it and ... Voila!  The come
> back kid with plenty of fanfare and press - OH Joni let me handle this for
> you! It will be the biggest marketing scheme since New Coke! You may say
> a dreamer ...<<<

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