--- Papa Smurph wrote: 
> If we have twins, I suggest we name them: 
> Edith and Amelia (if they're girls)

I'll go with Scarlett and Marcie here hon.  You know S & M for short.
> Blue and Green (if they're one of each)
> Willy and Carey (boys) 

These are good for me!

> Let me know when your eggs are in danger of their freshness date running out. 

It's imminent!  Hurry Smurph.  Hey we didn't even need that stinkin' dating service to 
do this! 

> We can do this, Susan! 
Damn I'll be ready to burst by fest!  But at least they will be Leos - if we get on 
this fast!

(reconsidering for fear of losing her girlish figure)

NP: Joni/Cactus Tree
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