speaking of last gasps that is precisely what warren zevon is doing...as we
speak i believe he is in the studio recording his songs with what...merely
months to live?

btw, a friend & i are producing a warren zevon tribute show next month

susan "EXACTLY Kate!  Plenty of great singers and songwriters have written
till their last gasp!"

well said bob!!!!! this could be one of her most triumphant moments! i am at
this very moment having similar discussions about joni over at my indiegrrl
music group as we speak/err..write...
oh, some of them have NO CLUE!!!! but some of them do...joni IS THE original

bob "Joni could really make her mark here, moreso than she ever has. I hope
she doesn't miss this opportunity. I love the sound of her mature voice. And
her paintings, although they're nice and all, aren't worth one one-hundredth
of what her songs are worth, in my opinion. "

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