> i don't see why it should be questioned. fine to like or not like but 
> the rest is insignificant. why would any of us have the right to 
> question anybody about  any art they have produced? there is art I like 
> and art i don't like. i wouldn't have the gall to question those whp 
> roduced the stuff i don't like!

If it is a question about some aspect of the production then there is
nothing wrong with questioning the producer.  Producers can make bad
decisions and are largely responsible for the way a record ends up
sounding.  They are only human and just as fallible as anyone else.  My
girlfriend is a producer, who on occasion has coproduced a project with
someone, and I've sat and listened to her critique things several times.

If it is simply a matter of not liking the material and/or the artist then
you're right, there is no point in questioning the production.  But it all
really comes down to just having a real ability to listen to something and
hear how it should sound.  A bad producer can make a great artist sound
terrible and a good producer can make an awful artist sound great.

I went to a lecture given by Mike Shipley when I was in sound school.  He
was talking about having worked with both Def Leppard and Joni Mitchell. 
He said that when he worked with Def Leppard, he had to record like a
hundred vocal takes and then layer and piece tracks together just to come
up with a decent sounding vocal track.  With Joni, he said he just recorded
everything she did..set up a mic and just let her go at it.


SP:  Travelogue....I like this!!!

--- Victor Johnson
Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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