Thank you, Mark, for articulating the very same irritation (and
disappointment) at some of the more scathing reactions to the new collection.

Ya' know, gang, I think most of us would prefer to receive new work from JM,
in a more pared-down musical landscape, but THAT'S NOT WHAT WE'RE GETTING,
whether we like it or not. For over 2 years now, most of us have known what
the prognosis was for the next project. Now it's here, and rather than
celebrating it for what it is, many of us seem all too focussed on everything
that it's not.

I may take a few blows for saying so, but if TTT is the best JM can do these
days for an original body of work in song, I'll take Travelogue over it any

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 16:28:29 -0800 Mark Connely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm sorry to hear those voices registering
> their disappointment that Joni's
> new work doesn't fit their preconceptions of
> what it "should" be.
> I'm sorry for the beauty they are missing.
> Oh well, huh?
> mc

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