mark >> Everyone has a right to their opinion and discussing what we
like and don't like is fine.  What I have a problem with is people who like
to point out how she did it 'wrong' or what she 'should have done'.  Someone
else posted that it isn't the critics job to force their own vision on a
work of art.  Their job is to try and evaluate whether or not the artist was
successful in creating the vision that the *artist* was aiming for.  The
critic also should comment on the quality of the execution of the various
components - in the case of recorded music, the sound quality, the skill of
the playing or singing and the integrity of the whole....But I really do get
annoyed with critics whopublish in newspapers or magazines or give oral
on tv or radio who are much more concerned with 'skewering' and making
scathing remarks than they are with actually doing any kind of real analysis
constructive criticism. <<<

very well put mark & i wholeheartedly agree...i love reading a review that
is done intelligently even if the review is not that positive- a good
reviewer can always find some element to praise even if they do not like the
work in general...unfortunately there are some 'professional' reviewers out
there who give the profession a bad name...their words show them to be
motivated by a need to be noticed for their own writing skills at the
expense of providing a real review (this can be seen in both positive &
negative reviews)... i remember one reviewer back in his early days (he has
improved greatly through the years) who used to pack his nasty reviews with
as many big & obscure words as he could find ... he was so overblown &
arrogant & it appeared as if he was writing the way he thought a reviewer
was supposed to be, rather than actually writing articulately or even very

Kate Bennett:
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