Let's just say for a moment that I am an unbeliever,
and I die but find out that The Bible and everything
in it is true. I would have lost SO MUCH by not
following it on earth.

It sounds to me it is fear that instructs your faith.

Having the creator of the
universe there to help me, someone who loves me that I
can talk to, and who talks back to me (and he does
talk to us in many ways - you'd be surprised).

One does not have to believe the Bible literally nor be a Xtian to have this experience.

You only have
to look around at creation.

yes creation speaks of a Hiher Power. It doesn't speak of a literal Bible.

Bombozzling people is to confuse htem, to offer up arguments that sound plausible, and to be illogical but sound logical.
an obvious piec of bambozzling, which describes it better than I can explain, is telling people that it is the Devil who is putting the seeds of doubt in their minds when they express disbelief or doubt in the legitimacy of the Bible. Or when one points out that what keeps one from believing in the lietral truth of the bible is that much of it offends intelliegnece and a sense of morality. There is much in it that goes against the godd conscience of many.
The assertion that God is Love on one hand and the assertion on the hand that people who dipelase God will go to hell, is yet another example of bamboozling.

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