
colin wrote

        ""The assertion that God is Love on one hand and the assertion on
the hand that people who dipelase God will go to hell, is yet another
example of bamboozling."""

a common basic misconception - probably caused by people who didnt listen in
sunday school growing up then becoming teachers in sunday school which
doesnt leave much hope for the truth lasting 47 (or howevermany)

god does not send "bad" people to hell because they offend him. what a petty
god that would be & no wonder people with this misconception dont have any
time for him.

people are born on the way to hell. the whole "original sin" and "fallen
nature" things apply to each & every one of us. which is not to say that
these people are not capable of doing good things and being good in a lot of
ways. just not on a godly level.

god, through jesus, gives us an "out" of this state of original sin. 


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